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Oak and Harrow COVID-19 Guidance


Oak and Harrow will take the appropriate preventive steps to reduce the
spread of COVID-19.

➢ Anyone currently experiencing or have had COVID-19 symptoms in the
last 14 days are NOT allowed – no exceptions. These symptoms may
o Fever, Chills, Shortness of Breath, Fatigue, Body Aches, Headache,
Loss of Taste or Smell, Sore Throats, Nausea, Diarrhea. (This list
does not include all possible symptoms)


➢ It is recommended that all guests provide their own face covering

➢ Guests must park vehicles at least 10 feet apart

➢ All guests must maintain at least 6 feet of distance between each other at
all times

➢ No congregating with fellow guests (other than the people you arrived
with). No group training or instruction.

➢ It is recommended to have exact change and liability waiver completed
before check-in.

➢ Bathrooms and common areas will be sanitized to maintain cleanliness.
Hand Sanitizer (60% alcohol and above) will be provided at bathrooms and
common areas.

➢ No sharing of gear (helmets, goggles, etc.)


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